Going up?

You’re not really sure how you ended up on a lift platform in a mineshaft and you’re not sure how high you need to climb to reach daylight. What you are sure of is whoever built these motors didn’t look after them. They keep breaking almost as soon as you’ve repaired them. If you’re going to get out of here you’ll need to repair them as fast as you can.

Going up? is the thirteenth chapter in my One day at a time series. The series was begun as a means for me to practice coming up with simple games. I set myself a few rules to try and ensure they games stay simple:

  • I get 20 hrs to develop and upload each game.
  • No individual game can be released until the collection is complete.
  • Once all games are complete I get 4 additional hours per game to polish them.
  • All games are done solo but I can use third party assets.

With the rules in place the question was then what would I use as prompts? I decided on working my way through all of the Global Game Jam themes in order. Going up? is based on the 2020 Global Game Jam theme of “repair”.


Unity and WWise

Development Time

24 hours (20 to reach shippable plus 4 more for polish)


Windows and macOS