Unity Tutorial: Introduction to Particle Systems

  • Unity Shader Tricks: Player Presence

    Being able to detect and react to the presence of a player (or other character) can be really handy to achieve effects like trails on the ground or having vegetation react to the player. The challenge though can be to do that efficiently. In this tutorial I’ll show you an efficient way to create a…

  • Unity Tutorial: Using Light Projectors

    Light Projectors are a cool feature that allow us to project complex patterns of light and shadow. Even on objects that may not otherwise receiving light or shadows. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to bring in and use the light projector system.

    Unity manual on light projectors: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Projector.html
    Standard asset pack: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/asset-packs/standard-assets-for-unity-2018-4-32351

    Find the code here:…

  • Unity Tutorial: Custom Post Processing Effects

    We’ve previously looked at post processing effects from a high level. In this tutorial we’ll look at them more in depth. In particular we’ll look at how to create our own simple post-processing effect and we’ll look at how to interact with existing effects purely in code.

    Find the code here: https://github.com/GameDevEducation/DeepDive_AdvancedPostProcessing

  • Shader Graph Tutorial: Dissolve & Fade Effects

    In this tutorial we’ll look at how to create some simple effects using Shader Graph. First we’ll make a burning dissolve effect and then we’ll make a dithered fade that we can us to fade out objects that are near to the camera.

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_DissolveAndFadeInShaderGraph

  • Unity Tutorial: Getting Started with VFX Graph

    Visual Effect (VFX) graph is a handy tool for easily creating visual effects (eg. particle systems) in our Universal (URP) or High Definition (HDRP) projects. In this tutorial we’ll see the basics of how to use the Visual Effect graph and perform simple interactions with it via code.

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_IntroToVFXGraph

  • Unity Tutorial: Getting Started with Shader Graph

    Shader graph is a node-based shader editing tool available to us in Unity if we’re using either the Universal (URP) or High Definition (HDRP) pipeline. In this tutorial I’ll show you the basics of setting up shaders using shader graph as we build some simple shaders to colour based on height; fade with height; and…

  • Unity AI Tutorial: Village (Part 2 of 2)

    Now that our villagers can gather resources it’s time to make them smarter and give them the ability to gather information. In this video we’ll remove the perfect knowledge in a large range from the village and instead have the villagers gather information as they move through the world.

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/AISeries/tree/Villager-AI-Part-2

  • Unity AI Tutorial: Village (Part 1 of 2)

    Now that we have our basic behaviours setup it’s time for combining and linking the behaviours together to create the AI for our villagers. We’ll be setting up a fear system that causes the AIs to return to their home village. We’ll also setup a gathering system where AIs can gather resources to bring back…

  • Unity AI Tutorial: Behaviours

    Behaviours are the main thing we think of when we talk about AI. In this video we’ll be setting up some infrastructure for behaviours that makes it easy to build quick behaviours by using GOAP and supporting both simple and FSM based actions.

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/AISeries/tree/Behaviours