Unity Painting System Tutorial: Part 4 – Performance and Blending

  • Unity Painting System Tutorial: Part 4 – Performance and Blending

    In this final part of the painting system we’ll improve the performance of drawing as well as add in support for different brush blending modes.

    Get the package here: https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_PaintingSystem.git#upm

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_PaintingSystem/tree/Part-4-Optimisations-and-Brush-Modes

  • Unity Painting System Tutorial: Part 3 – Undo and Redo

    In the third part of our painting system series we’ll be adding support for undo and redo by wrapping our actions in commands.

    Get the package here: https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_PaintingSystem.git#upm

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_PaintingSystem/tree/Part-3-Commands%2C-Undo-and-Redo

  • Unity Painting System Tutorial: Part 2 – Brushes

    In the second part of our painting system series we’ll be setting up a brush system as well as our canvas and the painting logic.

    Get the package here: https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_PaintingSystem.git#upm

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_PaintingSystem/tree/Part-2-Brushes-and-Drawing

  • Unity Painting System Tutorial: Part 1 – Colour Picker

    In this first part of our in-game painting system series we’ll look at how we can build an in-game colour picker that we can easily re-use.

    Get the package here: https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_PaintingSystem.git#upm

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_PaintingSystem/tree/Part-1-Colour-Picker

  • Unity Tutorial – Doors Part 2 (Manual Control)

    In this tutorial we’re going to modify the existing automatic doors to support a manual mode that requires the player to interact with them to open or close them.

    Start: https://github.com/GameDevEducation/DevToolkit_Doors/tree/Part-2-Manual-Doors-Pre-Tutorial
    End: https://github.com/GameDevEducation/DevToolkit_Doors/tree/Part-2-Manual-Doors-End-Of-Tutorial

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/DevToolkit_Doors/tree/Part-2-Manual-Doors-End-Of-Tutorial

  • C++ Tutorial: Maths

    In this tutorial we’re going to look at some common math operations in C++.

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/CPlusPlus_Maths

  • Not a Tutorial: Microlithic GOAP

    I’ve finally released a version of ‘microlithic GOAP’ that I’ve implemented. However, this isn’t a tutorial on it. It’s actually specifically ‘not a tutorial’ because I don’t think the approach works well and I’d recommend not using it. But I think it’s useful to see how I set it up and why I don’t recommend…

  • C++ Tutorial: Operator Overloading

    In this tutorial we’re going to take a look at operator overloading in C++.

    A good overview of available (and unavailable) operators for overloading: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operators
    Really clear resource showing the signatures for the different overloads: https://gist.github.com/beached/38a4ae52fcadfab68cb6de05403fa393

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/CPlusPlus_Operators

  • Unity Sims-AI Tutorial: Humanoid Mesh and Looking at Targets

    In this next part of the Sims-style AI series we’re going to be giving the characters a humanoid mesh and adding in support for them looking at an object.

    Humanoid Mesh Package: https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_SimsStyleAI/blob/master/Humanoid%20Mesh.unitypackage
    Tutorial on setting up Humanoid Meshes: https://youtu.be/hyVyNQ0jEpc

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_SimsStyleAI/tree/Part-7-Humanoid-Mesh-and-Looking-at-POI

  • Unity RTS Tutorial: Costing Resources

    In this next part of the RTS series we’ll look at how to handle items having a cost including support for pay up front or pay over time styles.

    📂 Grab the full project ➠ https://github.com/GameDevEducation/UnityTutorial_RTSSeries/tree/Part-5-Resource-Costs